
Showing posts from November, 2019

Friday, November 29th

Bonjour! The December calendar is going up on the blog this afternoon, so is the December homework. The homework will be due on Tuesday, December 17th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail. Today with all of the excitement of crazy hat day and our art project, the students had a hard time listening and following instructions during transitions and our math activity. We had a class discussion about why it's important listen in school and how it's hard for me to plan fun activities if the students can't calm down or focus afterwards. During our discussion, the students recognized that their behaviour wasn't as good as it normally is and I'm proud of them for being honest in their self-reflections. These are skills that we learn and develop throughout Kindergarten and there will likely be many more conversations like this throughout the year! We did not get a chance to cut out the hats and mittens that we painted today but they t...

Thursday, November 28th

Bonjour! Crazy hat day tomorrow! Today, we practiced our song for you. I recorded the students singing once and then played the video for them and asked how they could improve. They were very honest in their self-evaluations! We re-recorded the video and I've posted it below for your enjoyment. They still need some help with some of the words but they did a great job. Today, we also had music with Mme Edgett and looked at the letters X and Y. At the end of the day, I read a fun story about animals having a mysterious dinner party and we talked about an art project that we'll be doing tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 27th

Bonjour! Today we had a busy day! We practiced writing Vs and Ws, we had gym class with M Trevor, centre time, reading buddies, and then some carpet time at the end of the morning. In gym class, the students practiced skipping, walking backwards, and jumping like frogs before playing a fun game that involved two teams trying to throw balls over the tennis nets onto the opposite side. The students had a good time with their reading buddies. The grade 2s helped the kindergarteners make predictions based on the pictures and then they read the books as the kindergartners listened. Afterwards, the grade 2a helped their buddies name the colours that they saw in the book's pictures.

Tuesday, November 26th

Bonjour! We had the last of our homework presentations today. I am proud of all the students and I am excited to see how their confidence and French language skills improve and develop each month. I will post the December homework on the blog and send it an email at the end of the week. Today, we practiced writing the letters K and N; the students did a great job. We also reviewed all of the letters that we've done up until this point. I was very impressed by their letter recognition! After. our writing work, we watched a couple Go Noodle videos as a movement break because the class had a lot of energy this morning. After our movement break, we went to the library, had center time, practiced our "C'est l'hiver" song and got ready to go home. I will try to videotape the class singing the new song this week., they're doing a great job with the new vocabulary!

Monday, November 25th

Bonjour! FOOD BANK DONATIONS NEEDED We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Mayor's Food Bank Drive until December 19.     Items can include:   P asta sauce, granola bars, juice boxes, powdered milk, stage three baby food, peanut butter, pasta, rice, soup cans or packages, cereal, oatmeal, canned tuna, canned chicken, canned beans, canned fruit, pancake/bread/biscuit mixes, gluten-free pasta, etc.   Thank you for your support! Today, we had about half of our homework presentations. The students presented to each other and then presented to me individually during center time. We talked about how mistakes are an important part of learning and I used visual cues and actions to help them when they got stuck. If you did not do so today, please send your child's homework to school tomorrow. Thank you!

Tuesday, November 19th

Bonjour,  Reminder that there is no school for Kindergarten for the rest of the week and no school for grades 1-5 on Thursday and Friday.  Thank you to everyone has signed up for conferences. These conferences are student-involved so the students is encouraged to come and take part in the conversation. The homework presentations will be on Monday. Please ensure that the sheet with the blanks filled is sent to school on Monday in the purple folder. Today, we learned about the letters M and A. The letters with diagonal lines are usually the trickiest for students to master so we took some extra time to practice n the whiteboards today.  In gym, the students were partnered up and practiced throwing and catching volleyballs. At the end of the period, they got to practice throwing to their partners from the opposite side of a volleyball net. Today, we also practiced our new song and learned how to say that we're feeling tired (fatigu é ) or sick (malade) in French....

Monday, November 18th

Bonjour I hope that everyone had a good weekend! Today, we started the day with sorting centres. I had a box of manipulatives on each tables and students were asked to sort the objects into groups based on either colour or shape. The students switched centres twice so that they could practice sorting a variety of different objects. In music with Mme Edgett, the students continued their ocean unit. We also introduced a new song called "C'est l'hiver" today. Unfortunately, the song is not available on youtube I will post the lyrics below. The song introduces winter clothing vocabulary.

Thursday, November 14th

Bonjour! No school for the AM kindergarten student tomorrow. We will see them again on Monday. Reminder that you will be able to register for conferences after 4:00pm this afternoon. I look forward to seeing all of you and discussing the results of the Early Years Evaluation. Bus passes went home with some students today. If your child has a bus pass in their purple folder, please help them attach it securely to their backpack. Today, we learned about the letters B and R. The students did a great job of writing these letters, I was impressed with everyone! We also had gym, centres, and buddies today. Our grade 2 buddy class came and did some patterning, first with blocks, and then on paper. In our book about emotions, we read about being sad (triste) and angry (fâché). Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, November 13th

Bonjour! Just a reminder that November's Parent/Teacher Conferences for Kindergarten to Grade 5 are next   THURSDAY, November 21 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm .  There is   no school for students on Thursday . On Wednesday, November 20, our Kindergarten students have Student/Involved Conferences so their is   no classes for Kindergarten on Wednesday, November 20 .    Grades 1-5 have regular school on Wednesday .   Friday is a Professional Learning Day for teachers so there is no school for students on this day. The conference booking system opens here tomorrow at 4:00 for families.  We reviewed the homework as a class today and it's great to see how many students have been practicing at home. Thank you for all of your help at home! Today was all about the number 4! We practiced making 4s out of blocks, we practiced writing the word "quatre" and drawing 4s on the whiteboards, and then we worked in our math b...

Tuesday, November 12th

Bonjour! I hope everyone had a great long weekend. I was asked a great question today about the homework. The homework is about practicing French orally so the student's task is to practice their answers out loud and then present them to the class. The student does not need to be the one who writes the answers. If they would like to, they can (writing practice is always great), but it's not necessary. If you ever have any questions, please email me at and I will get back to you within 48 hours. To make sure that I receive your questions, I am going to disable comments on the blog as they have not been working. Today, we learned about the letter D and P. The students practiced writing the letters on their whiteboards, practiced the letter sounds, and looked for Ds and Ps in the lyrics of our classroom songs. With Mr. Trevor in gym class, we practiced doing lunges, played tag, and learned how to properly throw a tennis ball. During centre time today, ...