Friday, November 29th


The December calendar is going up on the blog this afternoon, so is the December homework. The homework will be due on Tuesday, December 17th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail.

Today with all of the excitement of crazy hat day and our art project, the students had a hard time listening and following instructions during transitions and our math activity. We had a class discussion about why it's important listen in school and how it's hard for me to plan fun activities if the students can't calm down or focus afterwards. During our discussion, the students recognized that their behaviour wasn't as good as it normally is and I'm proud of them for being honest in their self-reflections. These are skills that we learn and develop throughout Kindergarten and there will likely be many more conversations like this throughout the year!

We did not get a chance to cut out the hats and mittens that we painted today but they turned out really well and the students had a lot of fun doing the project! We will cut them out and hang them up next week. We also had centres, learned about the number 5, went to the gym, and read a story about listening.

I hop everyone has a wonderful week, stay warm!

Mme Emily

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