
Les devoirs / montre et raconte  
Once you have had your child fill in the answers in French, please keep the sheet at home to practice. Please send in this sheet and a picture of your child’s favourite food on March, 17, 2020.  Merci pour ton support! 

Je m’appelle ________________________________________________________. 

Je suis unique.

J’ai ________________ ans. 
(I am __ years old.)

J’aime manger  __________________________________________.   
(I like to eat)

J’aime aussi manger ____________________________________________. 
(I also like to eat...)

Voici   ________________________________________.  

(“Here is …” attach picture of food).  

Les devoirs + family photo 
Once you have had your child fill in the answers in French, please keep the sheet at home to practice. As not all sentences will apply to your family or the photo that you send to school, please modify as needed. Please send in this sheet on February 24, 2020. Merci pour ton support! 

We would love to have a family photo arrive next week, so that we can put them up and look at them during the entire month. Students will then use them during their presentations. Merci! 

Je m’appelle _____________________________________________________. 

Je suis unique. 

Voici ma famille. (Here is my family) 

Voici ma maman ,______________________. (name of mother) 

Voici mon papa ________________________. (name of father) 

Voici mon frère ________________________. (name of brother) 

Voici ma soeur ____________________. (name of sister) 

Voici ma grandmaman ___________________. (grandmother) 

Voici mon grand-père _______________________. (grandfather) 

Voici mon animal domestic______________________. (my pet) 

J’aime ________________________________ avec ma famille.  
(I like/love ……… with my family) *This could be an activity like playing games or baking.*

Salle 9 - les devoirs – janvier (January Homework) – please practice with your child and send back on January 23. 

Je m’appelle _______________________. 

Je suis unique. 

J’aime _______________ parce que __________________________ .
(I like (animal), because…) 

J’ai un / J’aimerais avoir un 
________________________ à la maison. 

(I have/I would like to have a dog, a cat, a hamster, etc.)

Salle 9 - les devoirs – décembre (December Homework)
 Please practice in French with your child and send back on December 17. 

Je m’appelle _____________________. 
(My name is...) 

Je suis unique. 

Je célèbre __________________. 
(I celebrate...Noël, Hannoukah, Kwanzaa, etc.…) 

J’aime _____________ parce que 
(I like.... because)

Salle 9 - les devoirs novembre (November Homework) please practice in French with your child and send back on November 25.

Je m’appelle _______________________. (My name is...)

Je suis unique.

J’ai des yeux _________________________.
(I have ...(colour)...eyes)

J’ai des cheveux _______________________.
(I have... (colour).... hair)

J’aime _____________ parce que
_________________________________. (I like.... because...) This could be a favourite toy, hobby, meal, etc...

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