Wednesday, November 13th


Just a reminder that November's Parent/Teacher Conferences for Kindergarten to Grade 5 are next THURSDAY, November 21 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm.  There is no school for students on Thursday.

On Wednesday, November 20, our Kindergarten students have Student/Involved Conferences so their is no classes for Kindergarten on Wednesday, November 20 Grades 1-5 have regular school on Wednesday.  

Friday is a Professional Learning Day for teachers so there is no school for students on this day.

The conference booking system opens here tomorrow at 4:00 for families. 

We reviewed the homework as a class today and it's great to see how many students have been practicing at home. Thank you for all of your help at home!

Today was all about the number 4! We practiced making 4s out of blocks, we practiced writing the word "quatre" and drawing 4s on the whiteboards, and then we worked in our math books. We also had library today so the students should all have a book in their purple folder. We ended the day with some songs and a French book called "Tourbillon d'émotions" about feelings. We read two pages a day and practice making faces that show the different feelings that we have learned about. So far this week, we have read about feeling silly (rigolo), feeling scared "effrayé", feeling disappointed (déçu), and feeling happy (heureux/content).

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