
Showing posts from September, 2019

Saturday, September 28th

Bonjour! Reminder: Orange shirt day Monday, September 30th. The new October schedule is up for you in the calendar section of our website :) Also, Library books are due back on Monday! Students must return their book if they wish to take out another one.  I apologize for the delayed blog post! I was not at school yesterday because I had my wisdom teeth removed and spent the day recovering. I'm hoping to be back on Monday and I will look for some pictures to share with you from the run and the fall-themed art project that the students did. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Mme Emily

Thursday, September 26th

Bonjour! The Varsity Terry Fox run will start with a pep-rally at 8:45am in the gymnasium. We will start our run outside around 9am. Please dress warmly for the weather. If it is lightly raining or snowing we will still be going outside.  The students brought home a sticker to fill out for the run to wear on their jacket.  Today we practiced counting and printing the number 1 and writing out the number 'un'. We started an activity in our math booklet. Students glued their work into their booklets and drew a picture to represent the number 1.

Wednesday, September 25th

Bonjour! On Friday, students need to dress warmly for the weather for the Terry Fox Run (in layers and in safe outdoor shoes to run in rather than winter boots or rain boots).  If it is snowing or raining lightly, we are still running outside.  (If weather is unsafe, we will be inside.)  They also need to bring a pair of dry socks to change into afterwards. Today, we practiced our letters and learned about two new ones, I and T. We practiced writing on the whiteboard and find the letters in sentences.We also played a fun game to practice our fall vocabulary! I gave each of the students a different coloured leaf and had them move around the room. When I said "les feuilles tombent", the students had to sit down.  Below are some pictures from our day!

Tuesday, September 24th

Bonjour! Today was a busy day for the students of room 9. We talked about the changing seasons and the colours that we see in autumn. We also discussed the story of Terry Fox and why he is a Canadian hero. Following our discussion, we listened to a French song about Terry Fox which you can find here ; I encouraged the kids to sing along with the chorus of "Je cours come Terry...Terry Fox". Finally, in gym class, the students practiced for the run by running around the field for 20 minutes! We had a couple students who did 8 laps! During centre time today, the students worked together to build huge towers out blocks!

Monday, September 23rd

Bonjour, I hope that everyone had a great weekend! Today, the students learned about the colour yellow (jaune) and practiced using scissors and glue to make a paper sun! The students also had music with Mme Edgett, you can see her blog here , if you're interested. One of the songs that we have been practicing at school is "Bonjour" by Alain Le Lait. If you'd liek to practice at home, the song can be found on youtube here .

Friday, September 20th

Hello everyone, Volunteer opportunities for our class have now been posted online.  Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn't work) to go to the signup sheet: To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do. Thank you for volunteering! Mme Emily

Thursday, September 19th

Bonjour! Just a quick note that on Monday, we will be learning about the colour yellow. Please sends kids to school wearing yellow, if possible. Also, students will continue the outdoor running unit in gym next week. Monsieur Trevor has asked that kids come to school dressed in the appropriate footwear for outdoor running. Thank you and I look forward to meeting you tonight and tomorrow! Mme Emily

Wednesday, September 18th

Bonjour! *There is no school for kindergarten students tomorrow or Friday due to parent/teacher conferences. If you have not yet booked a conference and wish do so, you can do so through you MyCBE account here . *Library books went home today! Please discuss with your child how to care for library books (no folding, ripping, etc...) I will let you know on the blog when the library books should be returned. Today, we learned about the colour red! We played a game similar to musical chairs, during which students had to touch something red when I stopped playing music. We also practiced writing the word "rouge" and drawing red objects. We ended the day with a French book about Clifford, The Big Red Dog. I'm looking forward to meeting you over the course of the next two days!

Tuesday, September 17th

Bonjour! *Tomorrow, the colour red will be our focus for the day so students are encouraged to wear something red to school. *Reminder that scholastic orders are due on the 19th. If you did not receive an order form and would like to place a book order, please send me an e-mail. Today, we had our first outdoor gym class with Monsieur Trevor.  The kids practiced running around the soccer field and learned important running strategies such as focusing on something in the distance, breathing techniques, and how to pace themselves.  In class,  we continued to practice the letters that we learned yesterday and added a new one, H. We also looked at a picture book about what might happen if you drop a banana peel and after each page, students made predictions of what would happen next in the chain of events. I loved hearing the reasoning behind each prediction! Below are some pictures that I took while the students were writing their letters and playing during centre ti...

Monday, September 16th

Bonjour tout le monde! *Gym will be outside tomorrow as students are getting ready for the Terry Fox Run that will take place at school on the 27th of this month. If possible, please avoid sending students to school wearing rain boots this week because it can be difficult to run in them. Today, we started learning about some of the letters of the alphabet! We practiced saying the letter names in French, identifying the letters within a sentence, and writing the letters on little whiteboards. Students will be learning about letters a few at a time. Today, we looked at L, E, and F. Below are some pictures that I took during centre time today :)

Thursday, September 12th

Bonjour! *Our morning kindergarten students do not have school tomorrow, we will see them on Monday! *Scholastic book order forms went home today in student folders; orders are due back on Sept 19th *Tomorrow, from 7:30- 8:15 in the morning, is our school's annual Fall Welcome. If you are look for the Kindergarten team, we will be in the learning commons! *I posted the class calendar for September on the blog today. There is a link to it at the top of this page. Today, we talked about our school's virtues of the month, which are kindness and politeness. The students learned how to say "please" and "thank you" in French. We will continue to practice this vocabulary next week. We also practiced our numbers in French; we counted using claps and jumps. Finally, we had gym class with Monsieur Trevor today! Have a wonderful weekend, Mme Emily

Wednesday, September 11th

Bonjour! *We do not have spoons or forks in the classroom so if you are sending your child with a snack that requires utensils, please ensure that the appropriate utensil is packed as well.* *It is important that all blue forms are filled out, including the digital citizenship form as the students will be using Ipads to take pictures of their work throughout the year. * Today, we talked about all the different languages that our classmates speak, practiced saying hello in those languages and read a French story about a girl meeting people from all around the world. We then talked about how fun it will be for all the students to be learning French together. The students also had their first music/art class with Mme Edgett today! À demain! Mme Emily

Tuesday, September 10th

Bonjour! Today in room 9, we learned the colours blue, green, and yellow in French. After I introduced the vocabulary, the students went on a little scavenger hunt to look for objects in the classroom that correspond to the three colours. We also had gym class with Monsieur Trevor today! The students are getting used to the classroom routines in gym and are learning how to play and run safely. I am looking for a parent volunteer to make playdough for our class. Please e-mail me at if you would be willing to do this. Thank you in advance :) Once I have received the photo permission forms from everyone, I'll begin posting photos here so you can see what we've been up to! Mme Emily

Monday, September 9th

Bonjour tout le monde! Today marked the first day of the first full week of kindergarten! Our focus this week will be establishing classroom routines, getting to know each other, and introducing some basic French vocabulary words and phrases. Purple folders were sent home with students today. Please ensure that you look at your child's folder daily and return to it school in their backpack as these folders will be used to send home student work, forms, important information, and notes from myself. You can use to folders to communicate with me as well. If you need to reach me you can e-mail me at; I'll do my best to reply within 48 hours. If it is urgent, please contact the office. I'm looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and fun! Mme Emily

Bienvenue à la salle 9! Welcome to room 9!

Bonjour tout le monde, This has been an exciting staggered entry week and I'm looking forward to all the learning and growth as we continue with our regular class schedule next week! Please check this blog regularly for updates about our learning and important announcements. Thank you,  Mme Emily