
Showing posts from December, 2019

December 19th, 2019

Bonjour, Scholastic order forms went home today. They will be due on January 8th. I will post the January calendar has been posted on the blog and I will send out the January homework in an email tomorrow. Today went very smoothly and all the kids had a great time! The students got to measure and mix the ingredients, roll out the dough, cut out their gingerbread men, and go on a great cookie chase through the school once they were done cooking. Thank you to the amazing parents that made today possible, it was so nice to have you here and you did a great job. Thank you to everyone who donated ingredients as well. I hope you all have a wonderful winter break! See you in January, Mme Emily

December 18th, 2019

Bonjour, Gingerbread making tomorrow! Today, we brainstormed some rules and behaviour expectations together. Today was a great day. We played a math called Splat! on the SMARTboard, went outside to play, had centres, and then our grade 2 buddies came to help the students write in their journals. At the end of the day, we had a discussion about how it's okay to make mistakes, as long as we're trying our best. I told the students that school is all about learning, and mistakes are an important part of that! We also talked about how trying our best is very different from being perfect and not everyone's best looks the same.

December 17th, 2019

Bonjour, I wanted to say a big thank you to all of you. I just received a message from Mme N, our library assistant, saying that our class has returned all of their library books! If you signed up to provide ingredients for our gingerbread making event on Thursday, please send the ingredients to school tomorrow . Thank you for your generous donations. The homework presentations went very well today. Both as audience members and as presenters, everyone did a great job. After the presentations, I asked the students if they noticed any improvement from last month; it was great to hear how they thought they had improved and what they will work on next month. It was also great to hear how supportive they were of one another! There was lots of celebrating and encouragement in our classroom today. After the presentations, we did some stretching and some dancing, we had centre time, and we read a story about a gingerbread man loose in a school. The kids were very excited about this boo...

December 16th, 2019

Bonjour! Tomorrow is our homework presentation day.I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone's celebrations. Please make sure that the homework sheet comes to school in the purple folder tomorrow. Today, we had a very special gym class! We had John Leslie, a paralympic gold medalist, join us! John and his colleague, Connor, helped the kids try on and use ski and snowboard equipment in different centres around the gym. Today, we also wrote in our journals and talked about using a capital letter, spacing between words, and ending our sentences with a period. After centre time, we practiced subitizing and read a story about a mouse who lives in a gingerbread house. I still haven't been able to add the videos to the blog; I will try to edit them down in time and see if that works.