
Showing posts from October, 2019

Thursday, October 31st

Bonjour! I have now posted the November calendar on the blog. I have also created a new page to provide you with the questions for the monthly homework. The questions can be copied and pasted into a word document for printing or written out on another paper. The homework is due on November 25th; please keep the sheet at home and practice with your child until the due date.  If you have any questions, please let me know. For those who celebrate, I wish you a happy and safe Halloween! Bonne fin de semaine!  Mme Emily

Wednesday, October 30th

Bonjour! No school for kindergarten tomorrow and the whole school has a P.D day on Friday. I will miss all the students over the next four days. See you Monday! Photo retake will be done on Monday. Today was Jour Noir ! We started the day with a sharing circle. Each student practiced saying what their favourite colour is in French. They learned that "j'aime" means "I like/love". After, I led them in a guided drawing of a bat. In Phys.Ed, we had our final day of skill centres for the Early Years Evaluation. Finally, during centre time, some of the students worked together to create a Halloween mural in the art centre. A big thank you to Melanie for giving our class some packing paper for our art centre!

Tuesday, October 29th

Bonjour! Reminder that school photo orders are due tomorrow in class or Thursday online!  Scholastic forms are going home today.  Since I know many families will be using the orders for Christmas shopping, if you would like me to contact you when your order comes in (rather than send them home with your child), please just send me a note and I'd be happy to do so.  Orders will be due November 8 (as indicated on the Calendar that has been posted).   I am looking for gloves that the students can use to erase their personal whiteboards when working in class. If you have any that you are willing to donate to the class, please send them to school in your child's purple folder. They don't need to have a match! Today, we were busy bees! We had a presentation by the grade 3s about recycling old markers, we learned about the number 3 (trois), and we had a visit from Constable Mark! Constable Mark is our school's designated police officer. He will be present for all...

Monday, October 28th

Bonjour! What a 'gris' day!  We hope everyone got to where they needed to be safely today!  Today the students worked on different gross motor and fine motor skills required for the EYE assessments in PE and in the class.  Cutting, colouring, copying shapes, balancing, jumping, and skipping are just a few examples.   I apologize about the lack of pictures being posted recently. I have been working one-on-one with students and haven't had the time. The morning really go by in the blink of an eye. Thank you for your understanding! 

Thursday, October 24th

Bonjour, No school for the AM kindergarten students tomorrow. We'll see everyone on Monday for jour gris ! Tomorrow is the Halloween Dance from 6:30-8:30! Tickets will be available for purchase with cash at the Valiant Drive entrance of the school, not the front doors . Today, we had a very busy day! We practiced some of the latest French vocabulary that we've learned during a French sharing circle. Then, we did our colour of the day day activity; students used a white crayon to write the word blanc and then drew four different white things. I saw some really great drawings of ghosts! I think everyone is excited about Halloween. After our activity, the students had music with Mme Edgett, library time, and centres at the end of the day.

Wednesday, October 23rd

Bonjour! The proofs for school photos went home today. The official due date for the orders is October 31st. Reminder that kindergarten students do not have school on Thursday, October 31st so please return orders by October 30th . Today, we learned about the colour brown in French. We practiced writing the word "BRUN" and did a guided drawing of a brown bear. In gym class, we did different activity centers (skipping, hopping, catching, etc...) as part of the Early Years Evaluation. After gym, we had our first meeting with our grade 2 reading buddies! The buddies got to know each other and then the older students read French books to the kindergarten students. The kindergarten students enjoyed buddies and were quick to ask me when they would be back.

Tuesday, October 22nd

Bonjour! Tomorrow is Jour Brun, students are encouraged to wear brown if they can.  We had a super great time at Research Park today! We worked on a fun pattern activity and created patterns with natural materials we found on the ground. We read a nice story about autumn time. We did a scavenger hunt to find different colour leaves, birds, animals and different items we would see more in the fall. Research park is a great place to learn and play!

Monday, October 21st

Bonjour! Tomorrow is our walking trip to Research Park. Please ensure that students are dressed for the cold as we will be outside for a couple of hours. When packing snacks, please keep in mind that we will be eating at the park; snacks that don't make a mess or require utensils would best. Thank you! Today, we did a whole bunch of little activities. The students practiced writing the word "UNIQUE" and we reviewed what it means to be unique. We also expanded on the activity that we had done on Friday and practiced drawing ourselves. We had gym outside and got to play two different games with bean bags. After gym, we had centres and some students worked on cutting and gluing shapes as part of the Early Years Evaluation. We ended the day with some songs and a book about colours. Normally, tomorrow would be our library day because it is a Day 3. Due to our Research Park trip, I will try to find some time to go to the library later in the week. Please return all librar...

Friday, October 18th

Bonjour! Today, we had our Teacher's Pet in-school field trip! The theme of the event was how we are each unique. Students discussed a variety of different physical and personal attributes and made posters that featured a paper self-portrait, their interests, and different ways they can describe who they are (brother, artist, daughter, friend, etc...) In kindergarten, our social studies program is focused on how we are each unique and developing a sense of belonging in the our class, the school, the greater community, and our families. Thank you again to our volunteers; you were a great help and I hope you enjoyed spending some time in our classroom. We also had a fire drill today and I'm proud to say that the kindergarten students were exceptionally well-behaved! Below are some pictures from our event today. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 17th

Bonjour! Clean up went much smoother today! Thank you to those of you who talked about cleaning up with their child. Your support at home helps things go smoothly at school. Today, we was Jour Violet. The students learned how to write the word "VIOLET" as a group and then worked independently in their journals. We had a visit from a woman from Lynne who works for Alberta Health Services. Mme Lynne talk the students about the major muscle groups of the body and did some movement exercises with them. The students played a movement game during which they pretended to be an egg, toast, bacon, and a table. They also practiced balancing on foot, running on the spot, and deep breathing. Ask your child to show you some of the moves they learned! I've added some videos below, enjoy!

Wednesday, October 16th

Bonjour! Tomorrow is Jour Violet , students are encouraged to wear purple to school. The students have been having a hard time cleaning up after themselves following activities and play time. Today, we talked about how we share this classroom and we need to work as a team to keep it clean. We also talked about how taking a long time to clean up means less time for other important and fun activities. Please review why this important with your child. Today was Jour Rose! We practiced the song about colours, wrote the word "ROSE", and brainstormed ideas of what we could draw that is pink.  The students did such a good job coming up with ideas; they thought of roses, tulips, strawberry milkshakes, watermelon candies, pink grapefruit, shrimp, pigs, flamingos, bracelets, ice cream,  hearts and more! After the brainstorming, students were asked to draw or create four different things that represent the colour pink. In gym, the students started using skipping ropes for the fir...

Tuesday, October 15th

Bonjour! Thank yo those who have signed up to volunteer for both of our upcoming events. I am happy to confirm that the events will not be cancelled! Tomorrow will be Jour Rose   because we had a special presentation about hand washing today instead. As I mentioned; today, we were lucky enough to be visited by a nurse who talked to the students about proper hand washing techniques. Nurse Jen used glowing lotion to show the students how germs can live on your hands even if you can't see them. Then, we washed our hands and Nurse Jen used the blacklight to show us if we missed any spots. After the presentation, the students applied what they had learned by tracing their hands and colouring all the spots where germs and bacteria like to live and hide. Encourage your child to show you what they learned today! In addition to our special presentation, we practiced writing the number 2 and had music with Mme Edgett.

Thursday, October 10th

Bonjour! No school tomorrow or Monday! I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend and a happy Thanksgiving. As of right now, the Teacher's Pet event next Friday (the 18th) and the walking trip to Research Park  the following week (the 22nd) will be cancelled as we do not have enough volunteers. If you can volunteer, please sign up at . Today, we learned about the letter Q, practiced the latest song we've been learning, got our photos taken, and had gym outside. The students learned the rules of playing safely on the playground and had a great time outside! As the days are beginning to get colder, please send students to school with hats, gloves, warm jackets, and snow pants.

Wednesday, October 9th

Bonjour! *Individual student photos will be taken tomorrow. *Gym class will be outside tomorrow. Please make sure that students are sent to school with hats and gloves. Library books and October scholastic orders went home today. We accept online orders (easiest method) or cheques, no cash . Orders will be due on Friday, October 18th . I will add this due date to the calendar. Students are asked to pick French library books from Library. Even if French is not a language that is spoken at home. It is beneficial for children to look at books, guess what's happening based on pictures, and see words (even if they can't read them). This helps develop an interest in reading and an understanding of how use a book. Today, was Jour Vert. The students practiced making patterns using green leaves on the SMARTboard, drawing green things and writing the word "VERT" in their journals. Students also started making patterns using coloured cubes.

Tuesday, October 8th

Bonjour! Tomorrow is Jour Vert , please wear green to school. Today, we started learning about patterns in math! We stated with patterns of alternating colours, which also gave us the chance to practice the vocabulary that we've been learning in French. On the SMARTboard, the students finished patterns and fixed patterns that had errors in them. Afterwards, we practiced different kinds soft patterns using actions and sounds.  In gym class today, the students played hot dog tag and continued their skipping unit. M Trevor played a video of a world-face jump-roper named  Vivien Vajda.

Monday, October 7th

Bonjour! Scholastic orders went home today. If you placed an order in September, please check you child's backpack. Library books are due back tomorrow. Today, was Jour Bleu! The students practiced writing "Bleu" in their workbooks and drew pictures to match. We also listened to a new song about colours. I will put all of the songs that we have listened to on the "Resource" page of this blog so you have access to all the links in one spot.